Construction Fundamentals is 5 complementary courses focused on job readiness in the construction sector. Students may sign up for all 5 courses or choose only the ones they need. This program is presented by Technical Training Group (TTG) and funded by Libro Credit Union’s Annual Grants program.
Please note: Spaces are limited, apply using button below to reserve your spot today! Separate applications are required for each course.
Trade Math & Measuring
February 27 & 29, March 5 & 7 – 6:00-10:00pm
Elma Memorial Community Centre, Atwood
This skills development course focuses on basic trade math skills using whole numbers, decimals, fractions as well as measurement practice and conversions.
Construction Tools & Blueprint Reading
March 19, 21, 26, 28 – 6:00-10:00pm
March 30 – 9:00am-5:30pm
Listowel District Secondary School, Listowel
Participants signing up for this course must also enroll in the Trade Math & Measuring course. This hands on course will provide participants with exposure to a broad range of tools, including set up, trouble shooting and safe operation of specified tools. It will also incorporate theory and practical exercises related to blueprint drawings. Participants will build their own Adirondack chair that they will be able to take home at the end of this course.
Working at Heights – Certificate
March 1, 9:00-5:00pm
Elma Memorial Community Centre, Atwood
This program is designed for workers in the Ontario construction industry and is approved by the Chief Prevention Officer. Photo ID must be presented at the beginning of class, all participants who pass the training will receive a WAH wallet card which is valid for 3 years.
Confined Space – Certificate
March 2, 9:00-5:00pm
Elma Memorial Community Centre, Atwood
This certificate course provides participants with knowledge of OHSA and regulations for confined spaces, outlines hazards, basic rescue and the permit system.
Lock-out Tag-out & WHIMIS/GHS – Certificates
March 16, 9:00-5:00pm
Elma Memorial Community Centre, Atwood
This program includes basic understanding of the legislative and regulated requirements for Lock-out and Tag-out procedures as well as general health and safety and the new standardized information, classification and communication requirements for hazardous products.